Energy storage may not sound particularly sexy, but it is one of the topics that is shaping the future of mankind.
Because for a sustainable future, renewable energy is essential. But compared to fossil-based power generation, energy from renewable sources cannot be produced as steadily. The sun shines, or it does not. Wind blows, or it does not. This in turn places new and complex technological demands on energy storage systems, which have to be able to handle this increased volatility.
These demands were at the center of discussion during the Energy Storage Summit Japan (ESSJ) held in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward on Nov. 11-12, 2015.
“The Summit was a stunning success,” said Dr. Andreas Moerke, Representative Director & President of Messe Duesseldorf Japan Ltd. “More than 260 participants from 14 countries gathered together to discuss the framework for energy storage in an international comparison, business models for storage and storage application technologies.”

Dr. Andreas Moerke, Representative Director & President of Messe Duesseldorf Japan Ltd. at ESSJ 2015
“Not only this unparalleled internationality, but also the participation of high-ranking policy makers from the California, the European Commission, and the Japanese House of Representatives and their interaction with company executives from world-class manufacturers and utility companies from Japan, the U.S., Sweden, and Germany made clear: The liberalization of Japan’s energy markets will pave the way for new business models and new business chances for Japanese and Non-Japanese companies alike,” he said. “This was proven during several discussions at the “VDE Financial Dialogue” held parallel on Nov. 12, and the intense discussion and deal-making in the trade-fair section of ESSJ.”
The two-day program focused on key drivers influencing the various important and rapidly developing technologies that determine the future of energy storage.
• Policy frameworks in an international context (California-USA, Japan, Germany, EU)
• Markets, business models and business opportunities
• The future of Energy storage for Japan
• Technology update on industrial and residential batteries
• Thermal energy storage systems
• Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in changing markets
• E-mobility as accelerator for energy storage applications

Panel Discussion on The Future of Energy Storage for Japan at ESSJ 2015 with Dr. Ali Izadi-Najafadabi of Bloomberg NEF, Masahiko Shibayama, Member of the House of Representatives and of the LDP Investigation Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, Carla J. Peterman, Commissioner at California Public Utilities Commission; Sosuke Tanaka of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Hiroshi Okamoto of Tokyo Electric Power Company and TEPCO Research Institute, and Dr. Hiroshi Hanafusa of NEC Corporation
Organized by Messe Düsseldorf Japan Ltd., the ESSJ is one of five events covering the world’s top renewable energy markets.
Besides Japan, they include the Energy Storage Europe in Düsseldorf, Germany, Energy Storage China in Beijing, Energy Storage North America in San Diego, CA, and Energy Storage India in New Delhi.
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