Expert Column:
Industrial R&D in Japan
Dr. Lorenz Granrath

After graduating from University of Karlsruhe in Germany with a degree in Industrial Engineering, Dr. Lorenz Granrath earned his doctor at University St. Gallen in Switzerland.
During this time, he stayed as visiting researcher at Tokyo University, researching for one year about exchange and protection of technologies in cooperations with Japanese companies.
Following a career in industry and technical consulting, Dr. Granrath took over responsibilities as Chief Representative Japan of Fraunhofer, Europe’s biggest applied research organization, in 2001. After building up the Representative Office in Japan, he succeeded in acquiring R&D contracts and initiating collaborations with many major Japanese companies, in volume only topped by Netherlands, Austria and the U.S.
Since 2014, Dr. Granrath is supervisory innovation coordinator the Japanese National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and represents several high-tech companies in Japan.
Contact Dr. Lorenz Granrath: Click here