In a significant step towards efficient urban mobility, an international standard for “automatic valet parking” co-developed by Japan and Germany has been officially issued. This system leverages autonomous vehicle technology to navigate vehicles into parking spaces in large facilities, improving utilization of parking space and user convenience, reducing accidents, and cutting CO2 emissions. Large complexes, shopping malls, theme parks, and […]

Brexit: What Will Japanese Companies Do?
After invoking Article 50 on March 29, the United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union by March 2019. Yet with only 18 months to go and after a third failed round of negotiations, it looks increasingly possible that the parties may miss reaching a deal. Such a scenario is problematic for non-European multinationals, many of which steer their […]

Japan Tax Reform 2016
In December 2015, the Japanese Government made two major announcements: The Japan Tax Reform 2016 and the signing of a revised tax treaty with Germany. What are the drivers behind the reform and the treaty revision and what impact will they have on doing business in Japan? Fiscal policies of the Japanese Government aim at growth and bringing forward Japanese […]