The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan commissioned research agencies to conduct an opinion poll on the image of Japan in the United States, Canada, five European countries, Russia and four Central Asian countries from January to February in 2019. The results of the poll are as follows. 1. United States The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan contracted with […]

EU and Japan Sign Breakthrough Free Trade Agreement
In a boost for global free trade, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and EU Presidents Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk yesterday signed the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to lay the ground work for the creation of an open trade zone covering over 600 million people. Also known as JEFTA, the deal has been long in the making, but was […]

Japan’s Casino Gambling Bill Gets Green Light
Japan is on the verge of joining the global casino community thanks to a bill that is set to be passed by the Diet. The parties involved have reached an agreement over the structure of the bill which will see local residents charged an entrance fee of 6,000 yen to use casinos while visitors from overseas will have free access. […]

Path to Power: New METI Report on Corporate Law and International Competitiveness
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) said it has released a report on Corporate Law and International Competitiveness, covering ideal approaches to legal functions in Japanese companies. It is the result of work by the Study Group for Development of Ideal Approaches to Legal Functions in Japanese Companies for Enhancement of International Competitiveness, which aims at discussing policy […]

How Society 5.0 Will Change Japan
The Japanese vision of Society 5.0 promotes the Super Smart Society, in which Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence will change a plethora of things. Much that is now performed by humans will then be carried out by computers. Sweeping changes in business and production will make jobs obsolete and create new ones at the same time. Society 5.0 will change […]

Japanese Regulation Paves the Way for Bitcoin Innovation
Japan has undoubtedly become one of the world’s leading bitcoin hubs in recent years. Through a combination of popular interest, major exchanges and regulation, the country has not only established itself as a cryptocurrency authority, but it has started to lead the way in terms of innovation. Indeed, since the Financial Services Agency gave its seal of approval to bitcoin […]

Rakuten and Walmart Form Strategic Alliance
Rakuten and Walmart are joining forces to launch an online grocery delivery service in Japan and a new eBooks and audiobooks offering in the U.S. The new strategic alliance looks to use each company’s strengths and assets to make sure that customers are served better. The new online grocery delivery service in Japan is slated for launch at the beginning […]

Japan Decides on Basic Hydrogen Strategy
The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has recently decided on a Basic Hydrogen Strategy to build a world-leading hydrogen-based society. The strategy outlines future visions that Japan should achieve with an eye on 2050, and serves as an action plan to accomplish these visions by 2030. As part of the strategy, Japan aims to reduce hydrogen costs […]

Japan Most Important Partner of US in Asia, Says Poll
Americans think that Japan is the most important partner of the U.S. in Asia, according to a March 2017 opinion poll conducted by Nielsen Consumer Insights on behalf of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). The poll is the latest in a series of polls on the image of Japan done almost every year since 1960. For a general […]

How Will Currency Markets Affect Japan’s Exporters in 2018?
In 2016, Japanese exporters had a rough time due to the strong Japanese yen. 2017 has been a bad year for the U.S. dollar, which has lost ground against most currencies. This has helped exporters in Japan, but many would prefer the yen to be even weaker. What does the next year hold for the Japanese currency, and how will […]

Japanese Statistics Bureau Publishes Statistical Yearbook 2018
The Statistics Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) has published the Japan Statistical Yearbook 2018. The annual publication is a systematic summary of statistical information published by government and private organisations. The yearbook covers 30 wide-ranging fields such as land, population, economy, society and culture in 539 tables. Read the Japan Statistical Yearbook 2018 here.

TPP Comes Roaring Back as 11 Countries Reach Agreement
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations have made substantial progress when negotiators on Nov. 10 reached agreement for a way forward at the TPP Ministerial Meeting held in Vietnam. This marks an important milestone for building the broader free trade area in the Asia-Pacific region, which experienced a stumble block when U.S. President Trump pulled out of negotiations back im January. Yet […]

3 Ways to Make Japan’s Workforce Fit for the Future – Hays Survey
Almost two million jobs have been created since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in 2012. This is good news for employees, but companies are having difficulties finding the people they need. “With 1.5 jobs per seeker, Japan is now facing the most extreme labor market since 1974,” said Hays Japan Managing Director Marc Burrage while presenting the recruitment specialist’s […]

Brexit: What Will Japanese Companies Do?
After invoking Article 50 on March 29, the United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union by March 2019. Yet with only 18 months to go and after a third failed round of negotiations, it looks increasingly possible that the parties may miss reaching a deal. Such a scenario is problematic for non-European multinationals, many of which steer their […]

Japan Moves Quickly Toward Energy-Efficient Buildings
By Hiroyuki Arie, General Manager, Business Stream Systems at TÜV Rheinland Japan Fire, typhoon and earthquake resistance of buildings has long been of paramount importance in Japan. This is partly because for a long period of time, the majority of structures were lightly made of wood. If a house caught fire in the Edo period (1603–1868), firefighters often chose […]