On 23 May 2019, the Japan-China International Development Cooperation Policy Consultation was held in Beijing, China. The outcome of the consultation is as follows: This consultation was attended by: from the Japanese side; Mr. Kazuya Nashida, Assistant Minister and Director General, International Cooperation Bureau, and other relevant officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) […]
MOFA: Opinion Poll on Japan
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan commissioned research agencies to conduct an opinion poll on the image of Japan in the United States, Canada, five European countries, Russia and four Central Asian countries from January to February in 2019. The results of the poll are as follows. 1. United States The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan contracted with […]

Japan Most Important Partner of US in Asia, Says Poll
Americans think that Japan is the most important partner of the U.S. in Asia, according to a March 2017 opinion poll conducted by Nielsen Consumer Insights on behalf of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). The poll is the latest in a series of polls on the image of Japan done almost every year since 1960. For a general […]

Brexit: What Will Japanese Companies Do?
After invoking Article 50 on March 29, the United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union by March 2019. Yet with only 18 months to go and after a third failed round of negotiations, it looks increasingly possible that the parties may miss reaching a deal. Such a scenario is problematic for non-European multinationals, many of which steer their […]